Free radical is the size of an atom which is very small and move very fast. It is the real enemy to getting aging. As we are getting older, it is accumulating to destroy our cell. Free radical attack on protein, lipid and nucleic acids leads to a reduction in their respective function, thereby decreasing cell function, then organ function, and finally, organismal function.This action is called oxidation reaction which leads to the cell damage.
How the oxidation operate in the human body
Human life lives by the energy process. When we boost the energy, we are also metabolise the energy which is formed by sugar and fat by the oxygen we breathe in. This metabolism does not complete and produce unstable molecules which are out of the mitochondria. And the molecule is called free radicals. Theses free radical will interact with other atom and molecule in the cells and make the cell get distort. The oxidation is a usual reaction of cell to produce energy by oxidizes oxygen. So while the energy operation make us live, it is also destroying us.
Free radicals can interact with the cell and produce the excretion from the metabolism. If this excretion is accumulated much, it will restrain DNA, RNA, and the protein synthesis, and reduce the energy level and biochemical process. In the other words, it will destroy the operation of the cells.
How to prevent our self from the free radicals?
The free radicals occurs every time we breath in so we can not stop the occur of it. Anyway, our body also produce the antioxidant substance to fight with the free radicals usually. When we are young and in the good condition, our body will be able to fight with the free radicals by it self. But when we are getting older, the capability of free radical fighting is lesser than ever. So we need to take in the antioxidant food or even the supplementary.
The antioxidant food and supplements
1. Vitamin E
It is a substance that can expel the poison occur from free radicals. It acts as a free radical scavenger to prevent the byproducts of chemical-cell interaction to cause cell damage. Free radicals are likely responsible for all or most of the degenerative diseases e.g. arthritis, heart disease, cancer, senility etc. The absorption or scavenging of free radicals would protect our cells from this type of injury. Take in vitamin E 400UI per day will reduce the heart decease risk for 30-40% But actually, only 10-15 UI per day is enough for fighting with free radicals. Vitamin E is found in Almond, seeds, spinach, mustard greens, peppers and olive oil.
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps some of our most important body systems. It helps the immune system to fight off foreign invaders and tumor cells. Vitamin C also supports the cardiovascular system by facilitating fat metabolism and protecting tissues from free radical damage, and it assists the nervous system by converting certain amino acids into neurotransmitters.
The skin, teeth and bones also benefit from vitamin C's collage-forming. It contributes to maintenance of healthy bones.
Vitamin C is full in all fruits and vegetables like green peppers, citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, turnip greens, and other leafy greens, sweet and white potatoes, and cantaloupe. Papaya, mango, watermelon, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, winter squash, red peppers, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and pineapples are also good resources of Vitamin C.
Take in vitamin C 300-400 mg per day will increase the life of men for 6 years and for women for 1 year.
3. Vitamin A
Vitamin A plays essential roles in vision, growth, and development; the development and maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and mucous membranes; immune functions; and reproduction.
It also comes from animal sources, such as eggs, meat, milk, cheese, cream, liver, kidney, cod, and halibut fish oil. However, all of these sources -- except for skim milk that has been fortified with Vitamin A.
Vitamin A is found in the Beta carotene food. The prunes, carrots, pumpkins, cabbages, apricot, watermelon, mangos and other color fruits and vegetables are full of the Beta carotene.
According to the recommendation of Dr. Claude Chauchard, the French medical professor, you can take in vitamin A 5mg per day for women, and 10-15 mg per day for men.
About the Author
Kuro is a beauty lover, Phd. Student, and a webmaster. Interesting on beauty chemical products, the experiment on beauty products, and the scientific way on beauty treatment,having search for the beauty tips and beauty treatment, head to toe. Find other articles on beauty treatment, head to toe on beauty site, you will find a new knowledge on beauty.
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