Maca Herb is the highest altitude-cultivated crop in the world. Related to the turnip, it is the only native cruciferous vegetable of the Americas. Maca has been used to enhance vitality among the indigenous cultures of the Andes for over 5800 years.
The potent nutritional content in Maca Herb offers a unique mix of energy-enhancing vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, fatty acids, phytosterols and protein not found in any other natural food supplement. Maca contains catechins, powerful antioxidant constituents that are also found in Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis).
Other Maca Herb compounds have also been shown to have both antioxidant and anticancer activity. Specifically, Maca Herb extract has been shown to degrade free radicals, prevent Peroxynitrite induced-cell death, and protect cells against hydrogen peroxide by maintaining the intracellular production of ATP (the primary molecule that supplies energy to cells).
With the knowledge that free radicals can damage human sperm cells, Maca Herb antioxidant capacity may eventually prove to be an important factor in understanding the sexually related actions of the plant.
Each Maca Herb root contains over 50 naturally occurring, beneficial Phyto-chemicals! These Phyto-chemicals make differences in people's lives that people feel! These naturally occurring chemicals include important hormonal precursors and sterols proven to assist the human body in a number of recognizable ways. Examples include: bringing sustainable energy, reducing physical or mental stress, balancing hormonal irregularities, promoting the growth of healthy hair, bones, and teeth, and promoting muscle tone.
Most people feel their mood and energy level lift in an instant. Maca Herb is rich in nutrients and phyto-chemicals, including alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, glycosides, saponins, and amino acids. As an herbal supplements, the root of maca is used in dried or powdered form and in capsules and tablets. Since Maca Herb is a food, it can be consumed in relatively high doses. Dried or powdered Maca Herb can be used in drinks or sprinkled on food, and it is available in capsules and tablets as well.
Uses of Maca Herb
Pharmacologists have provided knowledge of Maca Herb high iron content as a logical explanation for its use in treating anemia. The list of ailments for which traditional herbalists recommend maca is extensive--from lubricating stiff arthritic joints to easing respiratory illnesses. Yet the actual evidence that it works for most uses is rather sparse.
Maca Herb uses for boosting energy Maca Herb is really useful in Maca Herb Maca Herb gives amazing result regarding increasing of libido Maca Herb founds to improve vitality & virility Maca Herb also has great Anti-aging benefits Maca Herb can be used as an Antioxidant & Nutritive tonic.
Effects of Maca Herb
No side effects were mentioned by the participants in the recent clinical study done on sex drive increases among men taking Maca Herb. Also, foods tend not to generate side effects unless they are highly concentrated or an allergy has developed. Maca Herb may cause these symptoms which mean you are may be allergic to it.
About the Author
Research Work On Herbs, Nutrition & ALternative Medicine
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