Many people believe that one of the answers to back issues is the use of nutritional supplements. They believe that by taking certain daily supplements you can help to relieve a person's problems and the pain they cause.
As a matter of fact, the feeling is that nutritional supplements will strength the cartilage as well as a person's bones. It will diminish inflammation and help to loosen the muscles. As long as you understand that these supplements will not work overnight, they are an answer to back pain that means investing in a long-term solution, then there is not a reason not to try them.
As long as you understand that nutritional supplements are for those who have chronic back pain not for those who suffer the occasional pain problem.
Understanding the Types of Supplements
Supplements are divided into two groups. One works hard to strengthen different areas in your back and in this way helps to eliminate pain by giving your back a better defense system. The other group is pain relievers.
If you have chronic, constant, back pain they can be of use as well. When taking any of these supplements be careful to read the instructions. Some are hard on the stomach and so need to be taken with food, others must be taken on an empty stomach and some cannot be mixed with others. Read the labels and take them exactly as directed if you want them to work for you. Even nutritional products can be detrimental to your health if used wrongly.
Nutrional Supplements Need Time To Work
Most of the supplements take a few months of use before you will see any improvements at all. If you are going to use a Calcium and Magnesium mix, often sold in one pill, then you should also use Boron.
While it's the job of the Calcium and Magnesium to strengthen bones the Boron will help your body to better absorb the other two. Vitamins C and D as well as Glucosamine Sulfate are for building stronger cartilage, strengthening the bones and helping the muscles. Another supplement to help with muscles strength is S-Adenosylmethionine.
The other supplements work to relieve pain in a variety of ways. Some of them diminish the inflammation. This would include Bromelain, Devil's Claw, Turmeric, Flax Seed, Boswellia and White Willow Bark. Bromelain is often suggested for use in athletic injuries, following surgery or if the person suffers from any type of arthritis.
Pain Releif With No Side Effects
Some of these have dual purposes. For example, Devil's Claw also has the ability to make the effects of medications prescribed by your health care provider work better. Cayenne has the ability to improve blood flow.
This is very important as improved blood flow promotes healing. It is taken by mouth for that purpose but it can also be used as a cream to help with the pain of strained muscles. White Willow Bark is a good pain reliever with all the same effects of aspirin without the potential side effects and Niacinamide is used to help promote the healing of cartridge.
You now know some basic information about Nutritional Supplements and helping you with your back pain. Now is the time to do your own research and find a supplement that will help in your back care recuperation.
About the Author
Ron Keegan is a successful Webmaster and publisher of a Health/Lifestyle Directory with up to date information on health and lifestyle issues. treatment for back pain at